Our mission:- to drive more engagement, awareness and participation in our sport – FClass
*** DRAFT I 1 December 2023 ***
All Australian points series events, sanctioned competitions, alliance events, and competitions will be run under the APS rules and aligned to the ICFRA standards for FOPEN and F/TR shooting disciplines. This decision has been taken to provide participants with greater awareness and experience of international shooting rules and processes.
Any situation not addressed in either APS or ICFRA rules will revert to NRAA SSR’s. For all safety and range compliance guidelines, range standing orders and nraa standard shooting rules will take precedence over all other rules or standards.
1.1. ICFRA1000 yard FClass target
Electronic targets
2.1. A timed delay in electronic target score posting may be utilized.
2.2. Personal tablets are acceptable and encouraged.
2.3. Missed shots and ghost shots policy shall be determined by the match director prior to the start of the tournament.
Courses of fire
3.1. 2 convertible sighters and 15 shots for record at 1000 yards, pair fire
3.2. 2 convertible sighters and 10 shots for record at 1000 yards, pair fire
3.3. 5 shots for record at 1000 yards, pair fire
4.1. Empty chamber indicators (eci) shall be used at all times, except in live firing and preparation periods.
4.2. Competitors are required to visually inspect the chamber of their own rifle and their competitor’s rifle prior to insertion of an eci for removal from the firing line or leaving an unattended rifle.
4.3 competitors additionally function as scorers for their shooting partner and all obligations of a scorer must be completed by the shooter for their shooting partner.
Stages / Matches
5.1. Stage
5.1.1. A portion of a match that consists of a string pair fired.
5.1.2. Each stage shall have a winner.
5.1.3. Points from a stage shall not carry over to another stage or any aggregate.
5.2. Match
5.2.1. A culmination of 2 or 3 stages
5.2.2. A match is won by a competitor winning 2 stages
5.3. Block time
5.3.1 the uninterrupted time allowed to shoot all stages in a match.
5.4. Practice
5.4.1. A practice day may be scheduled before the start of the tournament.
5.4.2. Once the tournament has started no practice firing is allowed.
5.4.3. Firing from blow-off areas away from the firing line is allowed.
Pair Fire
6.1. All stages and matches shall be pair fired.
6.2. Each competitor shall have forty-five (45) seconds to fire a shot from the time the score is accepted from the previous shot.
6.3. When a competitor has been timed by a range official and has exceeded the allowed time limit, the competitor will be warned one time without penalty. When a competitor exceeds the allowed time after the first warning, the range official will forfeit the value of that shot for that competitor.
6.4. The higher seed competitor shall shoot from the left side and fire first in the first stage.
6.5. Winners of the previous stage shall fire first in the following stage. Competitor “b” wins stage 1, competitor “b” fires first in stage 2.
6.6. Every effort shall be made to preclude any competitor from firing two concurrent matches on the same target.
7.1. A competitor may concede a stage or match at any time.
7.2. To concede a competitor shall state “I concede the stage” or “I concede the match”.
7.3. A concession cannot be declined or withdrawn.
7.4. Once conceded all firing shall cease for the respective stage or match.
7.5. Scorecards shall be noted as cw (conceded won) or cl (conceded lost) for the respective stage or match.
Tie breakers
8.1. All ties in a stage or match shall be resolved by shoot-offs. Competitor shall be responsible for recognizing a tie exists at the end of a stage. When in agreement that a tie exists, the competitor shall commence with a sudden death shoot-off.
8.2. Shoot-off firing order- the shooter that fired the last record shot shall be second shooter.
8.3. A “v” is a higher value than a “5”
8.4. If the loser of the finale is the bracket champion, a no sighter 5 shot pair fire stage will be used as the tiebreaker, if tied after 5 shots, firing shall continue sudden death. A coin toss shall determine who fires first. The bracket champion shall call the toss.
8.5. Unforeseen ties – in case of a tie for reasons not accounted for at the time of these rules being written, the match director shall have the authority to initiate a sudden death shoot-off to decide a stage or a match. At his discretion it may include one (1) sighter.
9.1. Scorecards shall be provided and used by all competitors.
9.2. Scores shall be written on the scorecard as the shots are displayed on the electronic target.
9.3. A match declaration card showing each shooter score in a stage, the winner of each stage, the winner of the match and signed by both competitor to be submitted to the ro or statistician.
Time limits
10.1. Block times – unless otherwise stated in the match bulletin, block times shall be 20, 60 or 90 minutes.
10.1.1. A block time is the allotted time to complete all stages in a match.
10.1.2. Once a block time starts, it is the shooters responsibility to manage their time to complete all stages of the match.
10.1.3. If time warrants, the start of a stage may be delayed by an agreed amount of time by both shooters
10.2. Incomplete stage – if time has expired and no extra time has been granted, the winner of the stage shall be determined by the score at the time of cease fire.
10.2.1. If, at the expiration of time, a pair of shooters are firing a sudden death tiebreaker, extra time shall be granted to complete the shoot-off.
10.2.2. If shooter “a” has more record shots, the last shot(s) from shooter “a” shall not be counted so as to make the total record shots equal. In this instance, in case of a tie, a sudden death shoot-off will commence with shooter “b” firing a single record shot. If a tie progresses, shooter “b” continues firing until the tie is broken or record shots are equal. If still tied after equalizing record shots, both shooters shall fire single record shots until the tie is broken, with shooter “a” firing first
10.3. Extra time – at the match director’s discretion, extra time may be granted for but not limited to;
10.3.1. Unexpected delays caused by electronic targets
10.3.2. Excessive time used for shoot-offs
10.3.3. Verified rifle malfunctions
10.4. Competitor is late for match – it is a competitor’s responsibility to know the start time of their next match. If a competitor is not present at the start of a match,
10.4.1. Opponent shall immediately notify the match director.
10.4.2. The match director shall declare a forfeit for the first stage and start a time clock.
10.4.3. The late competitor shall have 1/3 of the scheduled match block time to start their second stage, after 1/3 of the match time has expired prior to the competitor’s arrival, the match shall be forfeited.
11.1. If a competitor does not have an opponent for a match, a bye will be granted and that competitor advances to the next round in the bracket.
11.2. Whenever possible, byes shall be designated in order of competitor rank for the tournament.
Rifle malfunctions
12.1. A valid rifle malfunction is described as a mechanical component has broken, ceased functioning properly, the rifle has become inoperable or unsafe through no intentional act. An inaccurate rifle is not a valid malfunction.
12.2. When a rifle malfunction occurs, notify the ro, in the case of a valid rifle malfunction the ro shall start a 5-minute repair/replacement period. If after five (5) minutes a repair or replacement has not occurred, the stage shall be forfeited.
12.3. Repairs must be approved by the ro, failure to get approval, prior to firing a repaired rifle may cause ejection from the tournament at the discretion of the match director.
12.4. If a competitor is allowed to shoot a verified and then remedied malfunctioning rifle and the malfunction reoccurs, competitor shall forfeit the current stage of the match and or subsequent stages.
12.5. If a competitor remedies the malfunction and is approved by the ro, the stage shall continue from where stopped. Competitor with malfunction shall be awarded no sighters, his/her opponent shall be awarded 1 convertible sighter on his/her first shot after the repair period.
12.6. In the case of a repair period occurring during or before a sighting period and the opponent has sighters available, no extra sighters shall be granted or taken away from either competitor.
Changing rifles
13.1. Competitor may change rifles between stages or matches.
13.2. Once a record shot has been fired during a stage, a competitor may not change rifles, except as described in rule 12. (rifle malfunctions).
Borrowing equipment.
14.1. There is no rule against using another person’s rifle or gear; the honourable “spirit of sportsmanship” should apply.
Special classes / physically disabled
15.1. Due to the nature of an invitational tournament with a large payout of prize monies, exemptions for adaptive positions or equipment are not allowed.
15.2. No distinction shall be made to separate classes of shooters, whether it be gender, age, occupation, or experience.
Official referee or jury
16.1. An official referee may be utilized and shall be appointed by the fps board.
16.2. In lieu of an official referee, the fps board of directors shall act as jury members.
16.3. It is the responsibility of the official referee or jury to see that all fps rules are properly interpreted and applied. If an applicable fps rule does not specifically address a situation, the official referee or jury has the authority to reference the nra fullbore rules as guidance, determinations shall be made fair and equitable and in the spirit of sportsmanship.
16.4. As necessary, any 3 fps bods shall form a jury to act on a protest.
16.5. Jury members shall exempt themselves from ruling on a matter which they are personally involved.
16.6. The match director may temporarily add suitable replacements to the jury when necessary to maintain a pool of 3 jury members.